This kid is not looking like a "kid" so much anymore! Saturday we were sitting in the back yard of our friends house watching the guys build a garage. Luke walks outside, sits in the chair next to me and says..."OK, it's time to cut it ALL OFF." My friend Sabrina just HAPPENS to be a hair dresser and without hesitation the scissors came out and the cutting began. This boy has not had hair this short since he was in 4th grade! He is now going into 8th grade looking like a Senior. Standing nearly 6 ft tall, he is literally shooting up before my eyes. I am so proud of him. Luke is amazing! The kid (guy, whatever) has a heart of gold and I am consistently proud of the person he is becoming day by day.
"Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of person's character lies in their own hands."
Anne Frank
Anne Frank
WOW! What an amazing transformation! So handsome and SO grown up!!
I KNOW,MAREN! I think I am going to cry! It is a HAPPY CRY - I love this time in my life, these boys are such a treat! Who KNEW it would be SO FUN to have ALL BOYS! I always thought I needed pink and pig tails in my early parenting career, now I know that the plan is PERFECT.
wow!! love the haircut! (loved it before also!!) He looks like his daddy!!! .....and pink and pig tales is always so fun...mine causes me to drink a lot! ;)
geeezzzz whats up with the sappy music.. i'm gonna CRY as well.
love the hair cut. loved it before. love it after. he's a great kid no matter what the hair! his mama raised him right!
You know me, sometimes it is just the way I roll! WAIT till little Caden & Brody tower over you and takes on the look of a "guy", it will turn ya into instant "sap". ;) Thanks for the sweet.
I honestly would never guess that was even the same person. He looks so handsome and seriously older now. Somehow with the hair gone, he lost his little boy cheeks and developed a jawline! Wow! He's gonna have the girls after him this summer! smiles...
WOW!!!!!!!!! very handsome!!!
Such a good looking young man! I love a fresh short cut on boys/men!!!
omg! he looks so cute! is i was in 8th grade i would TOTALLY slip him a note aksing "will you go with me? yes or no, check one". :)
WOW your boys are so good looking!!! Luke looks fab with his new short cut...and man is he a cute kid...guy...whatever...he reminds me of my younger brother who is that how fast they grow....
WOW... he looks SO grown up!I don't think I would have recognized him if I saw him in person!
I am curious...was the first picture taken in the beginning of the school year? His face looks so different...!
NOPE! That is just 3 weeks prior! HOW STRANGE IS THAT!?
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