Friday, April 4, 2008

If your reading this........

Say a prayer...a prayer for his family - he was young. He left too soon. Cancer.

Lance helped us. He was smart, determined, & motivated. He was kind, intriguing, and quiet. We liked him...a lot. We are grateful for his part in Unity. He passed away this week - I told him how smart I thought he was, but I never told him Thank you. I hope he knows how much I appreciate the part he took in making our dreams come true.

1 a: an affinity, association, or relationship between persons or things wherein whatever affects one similarly affects the other


Sarah E. said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Lance's family.

Carla said...

How sad that a life ends too soon. I am sure he felt the appreiciation and care, and still does today. May his family find comfort in this difficult time.

Unity Stamp Company said...

I only knew Lance as a source to furthering the "dream" of Unity. He was a quiet, intelligent man with a dry sense of humor that was sincerely appreciated by family and friends. I would ask that prayers are focused on those people - they need comfort in this time of loss.

Aleks said...

My condolonces for your loss. :( It's sad that this was the first post I saw here. :( I will keep his family in my thoughts.